A place were natural processes take place
Our Honey Farm

 On a quiet, early sunny morning everything is still, silently awaiting what the coming day will bring. Only somewhere a soft and peaceful buzz is heard. The wonderful and intricate little creatures are getting ready for another day of hard work. Into the fresh morning air scores and scores of tiny yellow bees rise up and disappear in the air.

A place were natural processes take place
Our Honey Farm

On a quiet, early sunny morning everything is still, silently awaiting what the coming day will bring. Only somewhere a soft and peaceful buzz is heard. The wonderful and intricate creatures are getting ready for another day of hard work. Into the fresh morning air scores and scores of tiny yellow bees rise up and disappear in the air.

Honey source: Clover
Bees fanning the hive
Sunflower with a Bumble bee
Our apiary

Our Qualities

Why buy our honey?
  • Natural Approach

    Honey starts from the hives. We manage our bees without the use of hard chemicals and avoid intrusive and unneeded inspections allowing the bees to exist naturally.
  • Quality Processing

    We take care to process the honey in that manner so it does not absorb humidity or any odours that shorten the shelf-life and alter the taste and smell of the end product.
  • Raw and Unpasturized

    We keep standard high, our honey is natural and raw meaning it was never heated nor pasteurized. Added to that we minimally filter the honey which leaves all the good stuff in the honey.



 At Hubirland Homestead, we operate a bee yard of 10+ hives with the planning to grow substantially in the near future. Our bees come from a stock of hardy bees from different local suppliers, yet our future goal is to have a self-sufficient apiary with high-quality characteristics like mite-resistance and good honey crops. With this in mind, we do not apply any hard chemicals that commercial beekeepers do to eradicate the mites. Instead we use integrated pest management practises, ex. cultural and physical, to keep the mites at bay and to help the bees to develop natural resistance to the pests. We use smoke and sugar powering techniques to knock the mites of the bees bodies, also our bee hives have a bottom board with a mesh to allow the dislodged mites to fall out of the hive. In terms of splitting the hives and conducting manipulations, we try to leave everything natural as it can be. We allow the bees to rear their own queens and supersede the older, though in some critical situations we can offer a mated or virgin queen to a hive. In regards to hive inspections we try to make inspections only when needed - this helps the bees to solve their own problems and usually that's the best solution. Shop online for our honey!

At Hubirland Homestead, we operate a bee yard of 10+ hives with the planning to grow substantially in the near future. Our bees come from a stock of hardy bees from different local suppliers, yet our future goal is to have a self-sufficient apiary with high-quality characteristics like mite-resistance and good honey crops. With this in mind, we do not apply any hard chemicals that commercial beekeepers do to eradicate the mites. Instead we use integrated pest management practises, ex. cultural and physical, to keep the mites at bay and to help the bees to develop natural resistance to the pests. We use smoke and sugar powering techniques to knock the mites of the bees bodies, also our bee hives have a bottom board with a mesh to allow the dislodged mites to fall out of the hive. In terms of splitting the hives and conducting manipulations, we try to leave everything natural as it can be. We allow the bees to rear their own queens and supersede the older, though in some critical situations we can offer a mated or virgin queen to a hive. In regards to hive inspections we try to make inspections only when needed - this helps the bees to solve their own problems and usually that's the best solution.

Honey Crop
Honey source: Clover Patch
Bees on the hive entrance
Honey Source: Clover Flower

 Our care and our values set our honey aside from the other. When the time comes to taking the honey crop off the hives, we take care for the honey to be extracted promptly to be sure it does not absorb humidity and any odour that could void its shelf-life and alter its taste and smell qualities. The honey is allowed to be settled in a tank so that any impurities will naturally float up. After that, the honey is minimally strained and bottled into different sizes of buckets and pails. Our honey is in its organic from, and eventually will turn into a crystallized from by a natural process called crystallization. The honey in crystallized, hard form is not bad, but it just turned into a state where it can be stored for decades. Few hours in a gentle warm bath will turn the honey back into the fluid state. At Hubirland Homestead, we keep our standards high, our honey is natural, raw, unheated and unpasteurized. Shop online for our natural honey!

Our care and our values set our honey aside from the other. When the time comes to taking the honey crop off the hives, we take care for the honey to be extracted promptly to be sure it does not absorb humidity and any odour that could void its shelf-life and alter its taste and smell qualities. The honey is allowed to be settled in a tank so that any impurities will naturally float up. After that, the honey is minimally strained and bottled into different sizes of buckets and pails. Our honey is in its organic from, and eventually will turn into a crystallized from by a natural process called crystallization. The honey in crystallized, hard form is not bad, but it just turned into a state where it can be stored for decades. Few hours in a gentle warm bath will turn the honey back into the fluid state. At Hubirland Homestead, we keep our standards high, our honey is natural, raw, unheated and unpasteurized. Shop online for our natural honey!

Honey Source: Alfalfa flower
Honey bees at the entrance
Honey Source: Sweet Clover
Honey Source: Birdsfoot Trefoil

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